Home > Ice Cream Machines
All Sizes of Country Freezer Ice Cream Makers
The Ultimate Amish Built Electric Ice Cream Makers.
Not inexpensive, but the Best Ice Cream Churn Ever!
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8 Quart Country Freezer Best Hand Crank Ice Cream Churn BIG 20 quart ice cream maker can be belted to hit and miss engine, bicycle , Horse driven 20 quart ice cream make with a treadmill.
Large capacity hand crank ice cream churn, maker, machine, freezer that can be connected to most any power source. 20 quart electric ice cream churn kit, includes electric motor, 20 quart Country Freezer ice cream maker, 92 inches V-Belting and mounting brackets.  Ready for you to mount on your cart or wagon. Parts
Electric 20 quart/5 gallon ice cream maker with white oak tub.  It is mounted on a white oak cart with an electric motor , switch, 6 foot cord and 1/2 HP electric motor. Antique Country Freezer hand crank 6 six quart ice cream Maker Freezer, Churn or Machine 4 Quart Country Freezer Ice Cream Churn, Maker, Machine or Freezer we have the parts
Country Freezer 2 quart ice cream machine old fashioned hand crank ice cream maker 8 quart ice cream churn A frame w pulley LITTLE JOHN SCALE MODEL
Little John Scale Model
Price: $3,500.00
5 gallon ice cream  electric churn 8 Quart Country Freezer  A Frame and Pulley Without Freezer Parts Replacement shaft for 4, 6 and 8 quart Country Freezers
Double V Belt For Country Freezer Ice Cream Churn old fashioned Parts Replacement shaft for 4, 6 and 8 quart Country Freezers 4 quart Amish ice cream maker insulated curing top. Ripening-Packing-curing-top.  Brown wood grain.  Works great, just like the Worlds Best Ice Cream Maker We have the parts
6 quart Amish ice cream maker insulated curing top. Ripening-Packing-curing-top.  Brown wood grain.  Works great, just like the Worlds Best Ice Cream Maker We have the parts 8 quart Amish ice cream maker insulated curing top. Ripening-Packing-curing-top.  Brown wood grain.  Works great, just like the Worlds Best Ice Cream Maker BIG 20 quart ice cream maker Maker and Parts to make your complete hit and miss ice cream maker.  Picture of a completed unit, giving some ideas of how you could put together a 5 gallon hit and miss ice cream machine.
5 gallon ice cream churn